Living in Brussels

an online expat agency

Moving to Brussels is easy! All of the information you need, in English, online.

Living in Brussels


Lots of free downloads on just about any topic you didn’t even know you needed to know. Download, print, hang them on your fridge. It’s made for you!



Stop The Great Google Information Assemble Excercise and just buy one of our premium downloads. All of the information you need, in one place, in English, to learn at your own pace. 



Want some human help? You can easily schedule a digital consult. If you feel like you need more personal assistance after the call, you’ll receive a proposal made to your measure.



101 ideas to fill your weekends discovering Brussels

Coming soon: downloadable book and colouring map.
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    101 weekend ideas


    About Living in Brussels

    Hi, I’m Anne! For over 10 years, I have helped people move around the world. From visa categories, residence permits, social security, taxes, citizenship applications to all of the practical questions – I have heard it all.

    My biggest frustration: there barely is any information or assistance available for the thousands of people that move to Brussels every year. Let’s change that!

    Living in Brussels Anne
    Living in Brussels

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